what is the best operating system for laptops?
2015-04-12 15:47:04 UTC
i do not know anything about laptops.thanks YA
77 answers:
2015-04-14 17:37:26 UTC
It's not about what's best for laptops, it's about your intended use. Windows is always best for anything except tablets and other really low-end performance computers. But Windows 8 is till wonderful on the Windows tablet, so not even that anymore.

However, you can go cheaper than Windows if you don't want or need the functionality and compatibility of Windows, as everything is made for Windows or has a version for Windows.

If you don't know anything, Windows is always best. It's the most versatile and used, which means it gives you experience for using it on other machines.

Apple is probably the very easiest and least problematic, but also is the least compatible and not very commonly used.

Linux is more for the advanced users, but large strides have been made with Linux Mint and Ubuntu to make a Linux that even the totally ignorant can use.

Linux is almost never used outside of the professional, hobbyist, or other administrative use.

Google is probably the least resource intensive and machines can be exceedingly cheap that use it. However, it's so uncommon, it's probably not compatible with most anything unless there's an app version of it.

If you're dirt-poor, google is probably the very cheapest IF you have to buy the computer still.

If you have the machine already, or are building it, Linux is cheapest because it's absolutely free.

And to be honest, the latest distributions of Linux will probably run, though not very well, on any google machine.

I've heard that Apple is free IF you have an apple machine, but I don't know.

Windows is, by far, the most expensive operating system, but it is also the most versatile and all-around, and just about everyone uses it, and most all software in existence has a windows version, even when it's designed for Linux or some other system.
2015-04-18 16:30:09 UTC
The best operating system for laptops is Windows 7.
2015-04-13 20:08:08 UTC
According to your need there are 3 operating systems on the table: Mac,Windows,ChromeOS.

There are advantages and disadvantages for all of them.

If you are a rough user and use the most of your laptop heavy graphic games then Windows maybe the one for you mainly because of its user-friendly interface. Mac is obviously better than windows option but if want the best value for your money Windows is a better option. Coming to the last one i.e. ChromeOS is a very light OS for basic users . It is an option for the users who use their laptop for just surfing the web,downloading files,watching videos,listening to music etc. Most of the applications in the chromebook are web applications and there is no way to install applications on the chromebook except from the chrome web store. The main thing that makes the ChromeOS lagging far behind the other two operating systems is its lack of hardware i.e it is not capable of running 3d graphics. Also its storage capacity will be around 16 or 32 GB which is very less compared to other ones. The connectivity options are good in both the operating systems but in chromebook its just wifi or bluetooth. But the main reason I suggest this to basic users is that as most of its applications are only web based and it does not install applications from other sources its actually impossible to create any software that will compromise the system i.e it does not have any chances of being affected by a virus and is more secure compared to the other two operating systems
2015-04-16 23:07:39 UTC
Best Operation System is Windows 8
2015-04-13 14:15:45 UTC
The OS anger according to use your desempeñes because it has advantages and disadvantages. Another important factor is the economy you have that an Apple computer (Mac) is very expensive unlike a Windows, but within the advantage is that you have a stable operating system and the disadvantage is that it only runs on Apple parts . Linux does not stay atra is an operating system that does not need parts specific runs on any computer and is very light plus the super computer using NASA is on Linux but the disadvantage is that to install a program you need another and is as a string but you have as another advantage that all support each other creating a brotherhood within linux. Lastly Windows OS better known most widely used is to first defect threats and do not say that the other 2 ARE exempt but most runs in Windows and the information is very insecure.

This is my comment and I hope and help in your desicion or if you took at least you know why.
2015-04-15 01:55:11 UTC
We at Gizmowizard think that for laptops the best operating system is windows 8.1 for a laptop or windows 7 if you want something simpler. They both have rather low requirements and come with hight security features themselves.

For something alternative you could use Linux mint. Despite how people conceive Linux as to be tricky to use Linux mint is really quite simple and a good operating system however allot of software isn't compatible with all software so be weary of this however its free to download.
2015-04-22 08:08:56 UTC
It depends on what laptop you have and what features you want. Two well known operating systems are Windows 7 and Windows 8.
2015-04-15 01:21:53 UTC
You are asking good questions Its Depend your work there are 3 Best operating systems-: Windows, Mac, Linux. Windows is an easy operating system for user its OS interface is very premium look. Windows 7 likes many people long times run know all feature, windows 8.1 is some different and more feature and quick boot very fast processing. A lot people prefer to Mac OS, but the whole is different and its OS is very costly. The Linux operating system is very secure. I can suggest for your best operating system for your laptop " Windows "
2015-04-16 22:33:24 UTC
In my opinion windows is the best operating system because i am using the HP laptop with windows operating system.
2015-04-13 04:47:33 UTC
Linux and Windows Server editions. Why? A laptop is NOT a desktop. Most laptops have an bus port on bottom for a port replicator AND this is what happens when there is a full set up.

* Two power sources.

* One active battery source with an alternative battery for power faults. The alternative back up battery is called a slice battery.

* A terminal that has an attached keyboard and viewing port.

* Most laptops come with two network adapters. One works with the RJ-45 port and the other is a wireless adapter.

If you ever worked around "blades" or 1U servers then a laptop is an integrated 1U server with a viewing port and at least one back up battery.
2015-04-17 15:12:46 UTC
Windows 7 is the best operating system from my experience.
King Cold
2015-04-12 15:57:34 UTC
"Best" is incredibly subjective to user preference. Windows 7 is probably the current favorite among Windows users, because Windows 8/Windows 8.1 are formatted very differently, making 7 much more user friendly to most. A lot of people prefer Mac OS, but that's a whole different ballpark.

You can still easily find windows 7 machines, but mostly online. Retail stores will have only a few, or in most cases, none. Amazon or Newegg are good places to shop for Windows 7, and computers in general.
2015-05-28 02:40:33 UTC
Windows 8
2015-04-19 13:42:43 UTC
Windows 8
2015-04-13 04:48:57 UTC
There is no choice for preinstall windows os except windows 8 the best windows os was windows xp 3, windows 7 laptops are still around but hard to find unless going on ebay
2015-04-18 18:07:20 UTC
Without Apple, for every brand of laptop Windows 7 is the best.
2015-04-13 11:36:07 UTC
It really depends on the ability of your laptop. If you have a hybrid laptop that offers touch screen, then I'd say Windows 8 but if not, then it is safe to say Windows 7.
2015-04-17 11:16:35 UTC
Personally, I think it's Microsoft Windows 4D, but that's not going to be released on your timeline until the year 2036.

In my humble opinion, Windows XP is the next best thing. Every version past that leverages the same core with graphical extensions, so you're essentially paying for wasteful memory management and really bad quality UI 'enhancements taken form the open source world.
2015-04-12 16:25:01 UTC
Depending on what laptop you buy you don't get to pick that.

If a Chromebook you end up with Chrome OS (which effectively is Google Chrome)

If a MacBook you end up with OS X (but Windows can be installed if need be)

If through pretty much everyone else you end up with Windows 8 (10 coming later this year)
2015-04-15 04:07:49 UTC
The best OS for performance should be any Linux solution like Debian or Ubuntu, but for comfort the majority choose Windows (Windows 7 is the best for actual laptops)
2015-04-14 04:05:26 UTC
Alot of people are suggesting Win7,but i do prefer Windows 8.1 for laptop.i mean i use mac,but i do have a desktop and also another laptop,So WIN8.1 really looks neat on a laptop,Its personal preference though .Win8.1 is faster then 7,although 7 is really awesome.but 8 looks good on a laptop,thats all im sayin.
2015-04-14 11:37:27 UTC
It depends on what you prefer but it seems Microsoft is making it impossible to buy other Operating Systems which is consumer dictatorship. I'd prefer Windows 7 because it's much more easy to organize software and it's a good gaming computer.
2015-04-18 07:38:02 UTC
Windows is the best operating system for laptop.......
2015-04-15 05:13:55 UTC
It truly relies on upon the applications you will be running. on the off chance that you have to utilize a Microsoft program then you are certain to that working framework. You can run some Microsoft programs under Linux yet normally in a virtual machine that copies windows. On the off chance that you discover a decent open source program that will run under linux then i would propose Ubuntu .If you are not certain then you can down burden Ubuntu and make a bootable circle and attempt it without introducing it . It will run a great deal slower thusly so don't make your judgment on the boot time on the off chance that you attempt it from a disc first simply have a play around and attempt to discover projects you require . about all projects for ubuntu are free. on the off chance that you have introduced ubuntu you will discover it loads quick and is quick to utilize and there is a considerable measure of extraordinary backing. I trust this makes a difference.
2015-04-13 20:33:56 UTC
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
2015-04-15 05:20:27 UTC
Running Linux is a bad idea.

I have used Linux (openSuse) for years, and I'm not really scared of the shell, and the commands, but here's why I have stopped using Linux:

1>Lack of polish: At first, the desktop will look amazing. The desktop effects are stunning. "Wobbly Windows", "Shatter" etc are NOT available on Windows. But after you use it for a while, you'll find out it lacks polish. It doesn't look professional. It looks like a cheap copy of the Windows /Mac interface with added graphics effects. It's crude.

2>Lack of quality applications: Almost everything you can do in Windows, can be done in a Linux system. But then again, the applications in Linux look like beta versions. You'll run into problems. The applications will not be as functional as Windows equivalents. MS office is way better than LibreOffice. Adobe Photoshop is WAYYY better than the Gimp. And for some applications (like Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe InDesign, Adobe PremierePro etc) I've not found a Linux counterpart that comes anywhere close to Windows. You can do almost everything, but you can do those things better in Windows.

3>Difficult to install applications: 98% of the times, installing something will require an internet connection in Linux. When you want to install something, you'll use apt-get or zypper or something, or install it from the YaST2 or some other graphical front-end. But you WILL need an active internet connection. Windows applications are 99% self-contained. You can download the application installer into a pen drive, and carry it to any other Windows computer, the target computer does not need to have an internet connection, all the dependencies and DLLs needed by your application are built-in into the application itself. In Linux, you cannot do this. If you download an RPM or a DEB, save it to a flash drive, and carry it to a different computer running the exact same version of Linux, the target computer will still need an active internet connection. The installer is NOT self contained in case of Linux. Extra dependencies need to be downloaded.

4>Repository conflicts: Often you'll find different repositories offering the same software. Over time, this WILL create problems, dependencies will get mixed up causing unpredictable behavior.

5>Difficult to set power options. In Windows you can select the power saver power profile just by a few mouse clicks, in Linux, you'll need to use the command line to turn down the CPU frequency. Linux fans will tell you the power saver option in Windows has no effect on battery life, but they are wrong. From experience, I can confirm that a Linux computer will drain your battery faster (unless you do the cpufreqd from a command line) than a Windows computer running in the power saver mode.

6>Lack of vendor-provided drivers. And even if there is a Vendor provided driver, it will not work properly in every distro. Your only option is to keep using the drivers that came bundled with Linux. And they are crap. You will lose functionality. My "HP QuickWeb" doesn't work in openSuse. I cannot lock my touchpad by double-tapping on the top right corner. There's an option to disable the touchpad in openSuse, but when I use that, the "Touch lock" indicator light doesn't turn up.

I could go on and on, but I'm done.

Virus in Windows is a myth nowadays. If you're not an absolute idiot (you don't understand the difference between a .mp3 and a .exe), you'll never get your Windows infected. Modern Windows infections are MOSTLY caused by user's ignorance, not by attackers exploiting vulnerabilities in the OS.

If you have a spare computer and you want to experiment, try Linux. If you just have one computer and you depend on it, use Windows.
2015-04-16 20:44:53 UTC
For a regular pc laptop get windows 7.
2015-04-17 09:58:32 UTC
Same as desktops, what do you want it for?

Windows: Good for *gaming and a cheaper option for general-purpace tasks (web browsing, word processing etc) than Mac, but virus-prone.

Linux: Good for most things, but requires a decent amount of prior computer knowledge. Doesn't really get viruses.

Mac: Also good for most things. Mostly secure from viruses and easy/intuitive to use, but a bit alien to anyone used to windows, and in my opinion, most laptops running macOS are overpriced.

*newer windows games require better hardware. If you want to play new games, I'd suggest getting a laptop with AT LEAST a quad-core 64-bit CPU(processor), a directX11-capable GPU(graphics processor), 4gb of memory (different from storage, usually called RAM), and 500 GB of storage (hard drive).
2015-04-14 21:16:45 UTC
It depends on what you want the laptop for. I assume we are not talking about mac.

If you want to get laptop for general purpose, windows is the best OS.

But, if you want to get a laptop to study computer science, I recommend Ubuntu. Google why Ubuntu is better for computer-science students than windows. You'll understand yourself easily
2015-04-13 00:34:43 UTC
Windows 7 is the best
2015-04-13 21:51:34 UTC
Window 7 is the best operating system from micro-soft. Its very simple to install with better UI & the best security. Less virus detector with fabulous display.
2015-04-18 21:55:26 UTC
In my openion window 7 is the best operating system i am also using it and i dont find any problem in that
2015-04-17 10:55:45 UTC
Here let me lay it out:

If you are a person that is a hipster, loves art, doesn't really believe in working with others, and believes Steve Jobs is a God then MAC OS. Everyone you ask in this community will tell you MAC OS.

If your like the rest of us, then Windows.

If you are a techie (most likely wouldn't ask this question) and love tinkering with things then you will say Linux is the best OS.
2015-04-13 10:40:36 UTC
windows 7 . But I'm looking forward to windows 10
Andy T
2015-04-14 21:05:51 UTC
Laptop is just a normal desktop in mobile form, no need to consider much beyond what is the intended use. So what's on desktop is likely the best for you on laptop.

Besides miniatures like PCIe to mini PCIe, DIMM to SoDIMM, expandability to fixed setup, there's no SoC, nor much of a user-friendly design like phones.
2015-04-12 23:50:45 UTC
The best willbe windows 10 wich will be a free download if you have windows 7 or 8.1
2015-04-16 05:19:47 UTC
If you are using a touch screen laptop or gesture supported touchpad then use Win 8

If not use 7
2015-04-16 02:02:48 UTC
Windows 8 for a touch screen or windows 7 for normal screen
2015-04-15 21:37:33 UTC
windows 7 is the best OS for laptops.
2015-04-13 05:34:52 UTC
If you are familiar with linux then i can say Ubuntu 14.04 LTE is the best operating system for using in laptops.however windows 10 is just released you can give it a try also.
2015-04-18 16:19:43 UTC
Windows 7
2015-04-13 08:36:23 UTC
Ubuntu 14
2015-04-13 07:26:25 UTC
window 7
2015-04-16 03:16:30 UTC
Its depends on some reason:

1. If budget is not matter and you are smart CEO then you can choice Apple.

2. If budget is matter and want to use minimum hassle then Ubuntu is better for you.

3. If budget is matter and want to operate easily then your choice should be Windows 7.
2015-04-20 10:24:54 UTC
Oviously Windows.
2015-04-13 23:15:45 UTC
The operating system you are most comfortable using
2015-04-12 16:09:50 UTC
I like windows 7 Home Premium. I also like windows 8.1 which I am using right now.
2015-04-17 13:01:41 UTC
Windows 7 is the best OS from Microsoft I have ever experienced...
2015-04-13 06:35:28 UTC
I like window 7 and this best.
2015-04-15 17:29:56 UTC
Get the most current version of Windows. Right now that's 8.1 but soon it will be Win 10.
2015-04-14 02:39:04 UTC
Windows XP
S. M
2015-04-16 05:00:15 UTC
windows 8
2015-04-14 10:24:30 UTC
Elementary OS
2015-04-13 14:06:02 UTC
they are all good, windows 8 works fine on high end pc, but chrome os is the best for a cheaper laptop. chrome os excels at what it can do, but is very limited to what it can do.
2015-04-13 15:43:57 UTC
Windows 7 or Ubuntu(Linux)
2015-04-18 20:56:35 UTC
The best OS for computers is Windows for my opinion, windows is the standard OS for computers.
2015-04-15 21:50:00 UTC
Windows 8.1 is slightly different and better for laptops it has fast processing.
2015-04-13 18:18:58 UTC
I prefer Windows 7 because it is clean and easy to use.
2015-04-14 21:26:03 UTC
Personally, I prefer Windows 8.1 Professional. You have apps, games, email, free cloud storage & much more.
2015-04-15 02:05:49 UTC
windows 10 because it come out with directx 12
2015-04-15 03:01:18 UTC
Windows 8.1. If you can install your own I'd go a version of Linux that is for what you want to use it for.
2015-04-16 07:46:01 UTC
Well........I dumped Windows 8 and installed Linux Mint...........that was the end of issues completely.
2015-04-12 15:55:32 UTC
Windows 7 is the best but it is rare to find them now. Windows 8.1 is okay though.
2015-04-15 03:50:38 UTC
Windows or Ubuntu.
2015-04-15 09:14:34 UTC
Windows8 OS is best
2015-04-15 00:45:09 UTC
it depends on what you want to do in the future! you have already some valid responses to your question but to me, if you just want to see emails/videos/social network and nothing more, try a chromebook/box.
2015-04-16 10:54:43 UTC
I have Google Crome
2015-04-15 06:12:25 UTC
In which you do your work best.
2015-04-15 05:55:42 UTC
XPS 117
Mephisto T
2015-04-13 03:45:50 UTC
install gentoo. unless your laptop is so old it can't install gentoo
2015-04-15 05:20:39 UTC
windows:-it has best support and most popular OS.
2015-04-13 10:56:27 UTC
get a mac
2015-04-15 00:41:11 UTC
it depends on your experience and comfortable label.
2015-04-15 12:01:04 UTC
simply windows 8.1 ;)
2015-04-14 23:22:38 UTC
well any licensed version is good to have.
2015-04-13 11:26:14 UTC
MSDos 1.0
2015-04-15 10:16:53 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.