To manually uninstall Camtasia Studio...
1. Close Camtasia Studio.
2. Go to your [C:]\Program Files\Techsmith\ folder and delete the Camtasia Studio 4 folder and its contents.
3. Choose Start > Run and type regedit. The Registry Editor opens.
4. Navigate with the left column explorer to the following locations, and right-click on the corresponding folder to delete these folders:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TechSmith\Camtasia Studio\4.0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TechSmith\Camtasia Studio\4.0
The process below lists how to completely uninstall Recorder from the various operating systems. These instructions will remove any files that Camtasia Relay created including any queued jobs for processing. A typical uninstall for Camtasia Relay Recorder is sufficent in most cases, however, it has been reported that some problems submitting presentations to the server may require a complete uninstalling (including User Profile directories).
For Windows XP:
Click on Start >> Control Panel >> Add/Remove Programs >> and remove Camtasia Relay Recorder. After the software has been removed, click on Start >> Run >> "%LOCALAPPDATA%\TechSmith\" (without quotes). This should open the "TechSmith" directory. Please remove the Camtasia Relay directory, if present. Next, click on Start >> Run >> "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\TechSmith\" (without quotes). Please remove the "Camtasia Relay" directory, if present. Lastly, click on Start >> Run >> "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\TechSmith" (without quotes). Delete the Camtasia Relay directory.
For Windows Vista or Windows 7:
Click on Start >> and type "Programs and Features" >> Run Programs and Feautres >> and remove Camtasia Relay Recorder. After the software has been removed, click on Start >> Run >> "%LOCALAPPDATA%\TechSmith\" (without quotes). This should open the "TechSmith" directory. Please remove the Camtasia Relay directory, if present. Next, click on Start >> Run >> "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\TechSmith" (without quotes). Delete the Camtasia Relay directory.
For OS X:
1. Delete /Applications/Camtasia
2. Delete /Users/Shared/TechSmith/ directory.
3. Uninstall the uploader daemon.
a. Open Terminal. (/Applications/Utilities/
b. Execute the following commands:
I. sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons com.techsmith.camtasiarelay.uploader.plist
II. sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons com.techsmith.camtasiarelay.uploader.plist
4. Confirm that /Library/LaunchDaemons com.techsmith.camtasiarelay.uploader.plist was deleted in the prior step.
5. Delete /Library/Application Support/TechSmith/Camtasia Relay/ directory.
6. Delete ~/Library/Application Support/TechSmith/Camtasia Relay/ directory.
Download, Install & Run CCleaner ->
Then do Two scans in sections.. Cleaner & Registry.. Remove any Findings.
Hope it helps :)