Last answer first: Restoring will not affect any data you may have. Pictures, documents, etc.
There's one odd thing about what you are saying.
In the event of a system crash or any other thing that causes Word to close abnormally, the next time you open it, it ALWAYS has a 'window' opened on the left side of Word asking whether you want to recover the document that wasn't saved properly or whether you want to conitue editing as is.
You didn't see that? Did it not offer you the chance?
If you have all your document and just a few things that won't act right, it's probably still able to be fixed.
One way that I use sometimes is that since Word documents have a tremendous amount of formatting going on in the background, I try to 'strip' the formatting from it then paste it back in kind of a 'raw' state and then re-apply the formatting that I want it to ultimately have.
I'm sure there are easier ways but the quick way I always use is to select the whole text then right-click and 'Copy'.
Mow right-click on the Desktop (or anywhere you please, really) and point to New, then Text Document.
Double-click the new text document and right-click in it then Paste.
You'll probably have to scroll down straightening things out but once you get done copy and paste it back into a blank Word document