I don't really know how... but Gorilla Price somehow got installed on my laptop?? I'm 13, and I wouldn't normally be freaking out, but I had a laptop before this that broke... and it had Gorilla Price on it... And plus, my security informed me that it defended my laptop from a virus attack from that file. If I try to uninstall it, it takes me to it's page, and I really don't trust it... I don't want to do a system restore, because I just added all of my music from my parent's computer, which I then erased, and I'd be losing all of it. I've read that it's recommended to use an uninstaller, but I don't know which ones to download, that won't possibly give me a virus. If there is a safe one, that you know of, could you send me a link, and direct instructions? And could it possibly be able to uninstall it once I'm done with GP? I really don't want to tell my parents about it...
Additional Note: I have Norton Security, and will it protect me from GP? Like, will it just keep protecting me and I don't have to do anything about it?