Hello there,
There are many categories of music softwares
For Computer aided music compostion
Copyist v8.0
Music notation software that lets you create with ease tricky musical examples.
Max/MSP/Jitter v5.1.4
Graphical programming environment for performers, composers, teachers, artists and
Harmony Assistant v9.5.1
Complete arranger, score editor and music composition software.
Max/MSP/Jitter v5.1.4
Graphical programming environment for performers, composers, teachers, artists and students.
DoReMe Music v1.30
Easy-to-use but powerful music composer.
Atmosphere Deluxe v5.4
Sounds Of Nature On Your PC.
JAMMER Professional v6.0
Instantly create musical accompaniment and full arrangements of popular songs and original music in a wide variety of styles.
AudioMulch v2.0.4
Real-time sound synthesis, music composition and audio processing. [Hosts VST Plugins]
Harmony Navigator v2.0
Intelligent meta instrument for composition in all keys with real-time accompaniment.
Critters v3.0
Compose original music, no musical ability required.
MAGIX Dance Maker
Professional level music and video production tool
FractMus 2000
Fractal music composer.
Storm v3.0
Create music with this all-in-one recording studio
Bidule v0.97
Realtime modular creation studio. [Hosts VST plugins]
StudioFactory v0.44
Virtual audio studio.
Aero Studio
Virtual music studio.
Atmosphere Lite v5.5
Bring the sounds of nature to your desktop.
SwarShala v3.1.1
Complete Indian music software for Indian music lovers and fusion composers.
Universal Music Machine
A free compositional software program that allows the easy creation of algorithmic MIDI music.
FlexiMusic Composer April2007
Easy and powerful music making software.
Melody Assistant v7.5.1
Multi-purpose music editing/listening and printing shareware.
Band-in-a-Box 12 Demo
Intelligent Music Accompaniment Software for Your MIDI Music System or PC Sound Card. Go to the full commercial version of Band-in-a-Box
Algorithmic Composer v2.01
A program that enables composition through the use of abstract object types
Bidule v0.97
Realtime modular creation studio. [Hosts VST/AU plugins]
DreamStation Rev.004
hope that helps for more reference visit the below link