For now, do these lines - one by one - in your terminal:
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Then speed up your updates like this:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-fast
Your package manager was interrupted, it needs clearing up first.
Quick launch terminal press ALT + F2 and type 'gnome-terminal'
Manual installation is extremely tough if you don't have a degree in computer science - it involves compiling and sorting out incompatibilites manually. We have an automatic installation - using synaptic and aptitude.
As Ubuntu is 'FOSS' it won't include everything in the basic install, so you do need to follow a guide 'first ten things to do after installing ubuntu' - pick out the things you need.
You should DEFINITELY upgrade from Ubuntu 9.10 (out of date - it was not a long term release like 9.04, the last LONG term release was 10.04 and most people are using 10.10 now - as I am - which is much better than 9.10).
Finally, to help you do it easily (not remembering the command for using apt-fast for updates) you should press ALT and F2, they type 'gedit .bashrc' to edit your preferences file for the terminal.
Add some lines to make life easy:
alias upgrade='sudo apt-fast upgrade'
alias rm='mv -t ~/.local/share/Trash/files'
alias remove='sudo aptitude remove'
alias cleanup='sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get remove && orphand'
alias install='sudo aptitude install'
alias remove='sudo aptitude remove'
alias update='sudo apt-fast update'
alias clean='sudo apt-fast clean'
alias fastinstall='sudo apt-fast install'
Save your .bashrc file and open a new terminal, then type 'update' and see how it runs...
Finally - the best way to play video on your TV (assuming you might have a graphics card with a TV output) is to use SMPlayer - the keyboard shortcuts are the best of any I tried (including Mplayer, VLC, and a few others I forgot). Setting up your TV with twinview is just so easy (not like in Windows...) with Ubuntu... and the best lightweight player (no management, but can use playlists) is audacious in my opinion - but Banshee is superb if you want to mess around or use it as a jukebox.
To ensure you have all your codecs installed, use the 'automatic' installation....
'install ubuntu-restricted-extras'