2009-02-05 02:37:39 UTC
The lap top I have has Vista on it.
I noticed earlier this evening, that within minutes of opening/using Internet Explorer 7, and logging into web sites, that all of a sudden, it would stop (sometimes the speed accelerator for my dial up connection from my ISP dodo.com.au, will load up/connect then) and then Internet Explorer crashes.
This happens to me just about close to everytime I use Internet Explorer 7.
Is this due to Vista being installed?
I downloaded and installed Firefox 3.0.3, a few months ago, however, I can't log into Yahoo, as it won't accept (refuses) cookies, even when I make exceptions for Yahoo in the internet tools of Firefox.
Are there any good (preferably widely used and known) web browsers you know of, that work well on Vista and are reliable, non trouble some?
I think Internet Explorer 8 (with tab recovery) is still in beta version/development isn't it?
I would prefer the full version of any web browser.