Open an 'elevated' Command Prompt. I hope you know what 'elevated' means.
At the Administrator: Command Prompt box type the following:
net user administrator /active:yes
net user administrator ""
Note that there's nothing between the two quotation marks. It means erase the current password is there is one.
Next, log off from your account and you should now see the real Administrator account. Log on that and do your changes. You may even open another elevated Command Prompt when you are in the administrator account and type the following:
net localgroup administrators loginid /add
The loginid is your user account name. That will make your user account at par with the real admin account. It used to be a Power User only.
EDIT: Well I'm sorry I cannot email you back because you turned it off. But anyway, your problems means you are only a Power User on XP, not an administrator if you cannot 'Run as' administrator the Command Prompt.
In that case, you need to do the STICKY KEYS trick to reveal the real administrator account and then remove its password. Search that method here:
Note that you must get in to a real admin account to run an elevated Command Prompt and do the changes. Make your account a real admin too. Here are other net user commands:
net user Commands:
1. To add new user and a password on local computer
net user newuser_loginid newuser_password /add
2. To disable/Lock a user account
net user loginid /active:no
3. To enable/unlock a user account
net user loginid /active:yes
4. To prevent users from changing their account password
net user loginid /passwordchg:no
5. To allow users to change their password
net user loginid /passwordchg:yes
5. To remove password of a user:
net user loginid ""
net user loginid *
6. To set or change password of a user:
net user loginid newpassword
7. To retrieve the settings of a user:
net user loginid
Net LocalGroup Commands:
8. To add or promote an existing user to administrators group:
net localgroup administrators loginid /add
To remove an existing user from administrators group and demote to standard:
net localgroup administrators loginid /delete
9. To add an existing user to Power users group (higher than Standard/Limited but lower than Admin):
net localgroup "Power users" loginid /add
To remove an existing user from Power users group (higher than Standard/Limited but lower than Admin):
net localgroup "Power users" loginid /delete
And please, if you want me to be able to contact you again, enable your email on Y!A.