I already asked this once, but I want to be a little more specific. Couldn't Mac OS release a retail package that would install on PCs and even be sold preinstalled on new PCs? I mean, I realize apple is already competing with their Macs, but if they spread an all inclusive OS that would work on all PCs onto the market with advertising and all, couldn't they put a hurt on MS in the long run by allowing more compatability and even some open source code? How could MS litigate against that? It just seems to me that MS needs to be knocked around a little and FORCED to make a better, 3rd party friendly product by good competition.You would then have the option of either a Mac computer OR retail Mac OS on a PC vs. Just retail MS OS. (Think in terms of nationally advertised and sold retail OSs' to the masses, rather than the savvy who look for and get the bootstrap program that allows them both to run. Aim for eveyone like MS does).