Hi there, I’m a Remedial Massage Therapists, I have been working with a team of programmers and designers to develop software that i customisable for every business, as oppose to the one software fits all businesses approach.
The software is called Mystro (www.mystro.co) and to celebrate the up coming launch of Mystro, business, scheduling and booking software for Health, Wellness & Fitness professionals, we would like to give you a free account as well as a free website with a built-in booking portal. Free accounts are single user accounts and able to add appointments, classes and workshops to a single business and location.
All you have to do to secure this is go to www.mystro.co and subscribe to this offer.
You have a few more weeks to wait until we launch so don't miss out. You will be notified as soon as we launch, so you can get your hands all over your free account and website.
For paid accounts you have a 30 day free trial and plans start at $39 p/m (1 staff + 1 free staff) and range up to $189 p/m (30 staff + 6 staff free) depending on how many staff you have. You will be able to set up multiple businesses with multiple locations all within the same account and have access to our add-on store to customise your account to suit your business needs.
Mystro is accessible from any device - PC, Mac, Tablet & Phone.
I also write a Health, Wellness & Fitness business blog called Healthinomics (www.facebook.com/healthinomics) if you are looking to skyrocket your business and get business advice.
I look forward to seeing you using Mystro for your business getting your feedback.
Upwards & Onwards,