Do you just have text in the Word doc?
If so, you can bring it into PowerPoint's outline and try to assign it to the right place on the slides from there. It will take some work, but it will probably be faster than copying and pasting one piece of type at a time.
Go to the Home tab on PowerPoint --> the New Slide pulldown menu (near the left at the top) --> select Slides From Outline --> browse for your Word doc --> click Insert.
This will bring all the text into the outline and kind of randomly create a bunch of slides. You need to go to the top of the column of slide miniatures on the left side and click on the tab that says Outline.
And it's clean-up time from here...
Right click and delete any blank slides (the ones that don't have any text showing in the outline).
Start with the first slide - with the correct title. There's a chance that the next lines of type became bullets, but if they are shown as separate slides, right click on them and select Demote. You can also just drag them over.
This should make more sense once you see it since everything you move around you will see arranging itself on the slide. If this doesn't work or I've confused the heck out of you, feel free to ask me more questions!!