2013-05-26 11:14:27 UTC
I created a word document four years ago, and I am guessing it was created in Microsoft Word. I have since owned a few other computers and have been using Linux in all of them, and have opened this document and worked on it in Open Office (I guess?- whatever you use with Linux). Anyway, whenever I save and close it, then reopen it, some pages skip a few spaces, instead of starting at the start of the page- the top. I have tried everything I know to solve this issue, including creating a brand new document on Linux and copying and pasting all to it. Not sure how to solve this. It has morphed into a 200 page document so re- typing everything is out of the question. Help, please!!!
Also, on an unrelated subject, how do you put a password on a USB flash drive, so no one can open it but you?
Thank you smart people :)