I 've been using torrents for a long time, but now i can't download the torrents and can't get into piratebay.org it goes a search page why???
Seven answers:
2009-05-25 07:28:48 UTC
Your ISP probably has them blocked, if this happened all of a sudden. Some ISPs monitor your torrent activity and will block you from using them.
2009-05-25 19:32:04 UTC
A port must be forward from your pc to torrent server ,thats get download,this port is used to let other peers connect to your torrent sofrware.
chck this port forward properly using your torrent software.check options>settings>
in bittorrent a DHT symbol in the bar shows download speed click that.then check test>if [port working properly]
2009-05-25 14:39:13 UTC
If you are using a router make sure that you have the port open that you are using for bit torrent. I would also call your ISP and tell them to open all ports.
2009-05-25 14:31:46 UTC
May be your ISP is throttling BitTorrent traffic.
Or you should check your internet connection and try forwarding your ports.
To see if your ISP is meddling with torrent traffic, go to: