You want to think about how you want your info. For example, you might put the name of the dvd in Column A, the artist in Column B, and a comment about the dvd in Column C.
Now you have a bunch of info, in no particular order, but that's not a problem.
If you highlight cols A,B,C (by holding the shift key and clicking on the ABC headers), you can sort your data. Since I don't know your version of Excel, you may have to use the help to find what you need.
If you aren't using 2007, you could go to Data and then Sort. Then, if it were me, I'd sort first by column B (the artist) and then column A (the dvd name).
Now you have a sorted list that's easy to use.
If you have excel 2007, you do the same thing, but you'll have to find the sort function.