if you use Linux mint you would ALREADY have java installed and you wouldn't have to worry about your computer slowing down because it's secure enough that you don't need ANTI virus yeah but since you can't *easily* try Linux mint on your computer i would suggest you try a program called Wubi that lets you run a somewhat similar system and you can play any java game on it without slowing down the rest of your computer here
ok there is a program called Wubi which let's you run a whole 'nother system while safely keeping Windows what it /really/ does is add a few big files in a special folder and you can remove it within windows add remove programs within 4 seconds here it is
http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/w… BTW it is a small file so it won't take but 10 seconds to download
and here is what you should do with Wubi >>>
you can remove this program with Windows add/remove progams in control panel in 4 seconds
open it just double click the Wubi.exe
select 7 or more for the install size 7 should be plenty tho
Where it says DESKTOP
select -- X-ubuntu from the list -- its the one under Ubuntu i just emphasized the X
so select Xubuntu
ok now enter a password and click install now it will take about 40 minutes to download just wait
go watch tv or something
now when it says restart -- do so BUT be sure to select Xubuntu from the list that comes up meaning do not boot into Windows (yet)
so when you restart your computer you should see a menu that says Windows and Xubuntu on this menu select Xubuntu
now wait for Xubuntu to install its all automatic and you don't have to do anything at this point
now when it finishes installing just reboot but this time go into Windows one more time and
to do this go to Start > um... just if its vista or 7 search for Defrag and you should find it and then click Defragment on the C:/ drive
very important that you do this so that it can run at better speeds
then you can reboot into Xubuntu and enjoy a virus free environment and have a fast computer