how can i convert an .avi file to burn to a DVD? and what format should a DVD be?
2006-04-02 22:09:34 UTC
i have a burner and a burning program, but when i put a DIVX or an .avi file into the burn program (CopytoDVD) it says that only DVD video files (.BUP, .IFO and .VOB) are supported. what do i do?
Six answers:
2006-04-02 22:10:49 UTC
I guess i need to know too.
2006-04-03 05:16:57 UTC
You need software. I got a program called Sonicmydvd that came with a DVD burner that does it. I have another one called xilisoft file converter that does it too, but that one doesn't make menus and the other one does. You can just put an avi into the vidots folder. It has to be converted to VOB files. Try bittorrent sites to find the software. Or you could buy it.
lucky lucciano
2006-04-03 05:17:17 UTC
You need a converter from DIVX-AVI files to VOB.

Search the web for DIVX to DVD converter.
Bharath Kumar
2006-04-03 06:13:34 UTC
use nero 7 ultra or premium it will automatically convert DAT to MOV format... but takes long time to do it depending on the size.

For divx and avi use nero vision or vision express inspite of nero express.
2006-04-03 05:23:52 UTC
goggle VSO software

they make an automated divx to dvd program

or go to and lok under the guides section

or and look under guides
2006-04-03 05:13:59 UTC
try this:

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